The Alpha Legion Knight reveals its true colors
The Alpha Legion is a faction in Warhammer 40K that is assumed to have betrayed humankind and joined the side of chaos. The idea for this piece was that the Alpha Legion was in fact loyal to the emperor, and infiltrated the chaos on his behalf. Disguised as Lucaris knight, this alpha legion knight aims to destroy the chaos from within.
This model is a kitbash of one chaos and one imperial knight, which is uncloaking to reveal its true, imperial colors.
To achieve the transition effect I sliced up several armor plates, namely the canopies, breast plates and masks of both kits and joined the counterparts with greenstuff.
The eyes are LEDs, with the battery housed in the torso (canopy is removable), and the switch hidden in a barrel on the base.
I used colorshifts for the armor panels, psychotic illusions for the imperial side and evil forest for chaos. After that I masked off the panels with liquid latex and painted the non-metallic metal rims in gold and bronze.
Hope you enjoy my first attempt at electronics, had a ton of fun building this piece over the last few weeks!