Heart of Winter

Hello everyone!

This project named "Heart of Winter" was done some time ago in December and obviously winter themed. The base made of wood is handcrafted, same for the pine tree and the big snowflake! Then I've used water effects, water texture for the splash effects, two kind of snow and some transparent plexiglass to create the iced lake surface (which it breaks when the heart pops out) that has been softly airbrushed with white and blue to get a more realistic touch. Miniature is from Freebooter range, 2005 limited edition!

Little plot: "The Queen with her powers evokes the Heart of Winter, that breaks through the cracking ice from the depth of a frozen lake. The winter season has begun!"

Category: Modeling and sculpture Fantasy

Picutres of the project (Uploaded in GIF format)

Due some technical issues of GSW, I couldn't upload JPG pictures so I had to switch to GIF format as they suggested, expect quality loss.

Winter gif Winter 6 Top  Winter 2 Winter 3 Winter 4 Winter 5  Winter Detail 2 Winter Detail 3 Winter Detail 4 Winter Detail 5 Winter Detail 6 Winter Detail 7 Heart DetailHeart Detail 3

WIP Pics

Unfortunately time ago I've lost all the files in my external HD (literally died) so these are the only WIP pics I have. The pine tree has been buffed adding more foliage and the miniature is primed with grey.

 Wip CM20052 Tree Tree 2

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