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Artikel-Nr.: 8436554360475ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Ferrofolien selbstklebend | Stahl-Gummi Folien
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554365050ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Sekundenkleber | Superkleber
Artikel-Nr.: 5035167000490ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Milliput Standard Gelb Grau | Milliput Epoxidharz Kitt.
Artikel-Nr.: 8435646506234ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Brush Rinser | WasserspenderCopyright © 2022 Green Stuff World SL. All Rights Reserved.
Rotierender Magnet - Größe S
Rotierender Magnet - Größe S
Empfohlen für: Tie Figther, Tie Interceptor, Tie Advanced, X Wing, Y Wing, A Wing, etc...
Dieses Paket enthält:
- 15 Magnete 3,5mm
- 15 Stahlkugeln 5mm
ACHTUNG: Dies ist kein Spielzeug für Kinder mit über 18 Jahre alt, ohne Aufsicht
I installed them the other way around btw.
Like, cut the tip of the peg and glue the magnet to it. And glue the ball to the bottom of the ship.
I didn't even see the instructions, but my version might be better for the center of mass (not sure though).
These work great, but I use them for 40k and it would be nicer if the magnets were a stronger caliber.
Trop faible pour le b wing
I picked these up for my X-Wing Miniatures.
I've used them very successfully on an A-Wing, E-Wing, and Z-95 headhunter. No issues at all.
I also used them on my B-Wing... And found that the B-Wing was just a little too heavy, and a little too off-center... And the magnets didn't have as much grip as I'd like. I've remedied this by adding a thing coating of Plasti Dip.
Terrific magnets. Will happily buy again.
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554367757ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Rotierender Magnet - Größe M
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554367764ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Rotierender Magnet - Größe L
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554368136ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
3 mm runde Acryl Stäbe Transparent
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554368143ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
5 mm runde Acryl Stäbe Transparent
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554368433ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Rotierender Magnet - Größe XL
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554367764ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Rotierender Magnet - Größe L
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554367757ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Rotierender Magnet - Größe M
Artikel-Nr.: 8436554368433ES
Marke: Green Stuff World
Rotierender Magnet - Größe XL
Rotierender Magnet - Größe S