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What is an airbrush?

A green stuff world airbrush is a tool, often in the shape of a gun, for painting by spraying the colors using a hobby compressor or simply a bottle of compressed air. They are made of stainless steel and allow you to color large areas in a very precise way in less time, offering a result similar to that of a spray.

In this way, a perfect result is achieved without marks or brush marks as well as sharp and realistic finishes. In addition, it is perfect for painting any type of material, which makes it a fundamental ally for our figures and miniatures.

Where to buy an airbrush for miniatures? 

At Green Stuff World we are lovers of miniatures, modeling, and wargame figures, so we want to help you get all the accessories you need for your hobby at the best price and with the best quality. And we were not going to be less with a fundamental piece for the design and decoration of your figures, such as the best airbrush for miniatures. In our online store, you will find them in 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5mm, as well as compressors, and all the acrylics, stencils, and more you need to use them.

In addition, thanks to our incredible logistics system, we can take your orders to more than 70 countries around the world.

What types of model airbrushes are there?

There are 2 types on the market, single-action and double-action airbrushes.
The simple ones, usually in the shape of a pistol, have a trigger with a single movement that controls the flow of air and paint in the same pulsation.

Double action also has a single trigger, but with two possible movements at the same time, where the pressure movement opens or closes the airflow, and a back-and-forth movement controls the amount of liquid that comes out.

There is also a second differentiation according to how it is fed with paint, which has evolved year after year starting with lower feeding, lateral feeding to upper feeding. The lower one is usually indicated for painting large surfaces, such as your own room walls, and its application in modeling is limited. The other 2 types of lateral and upper feeding are the most suitable, with the upper feeding being the one that works best and the most modern.

The model airbrush is an essential tool for modelers who want to achieve impeccable finishes and subtle gradations. By projecting fine droplets of paint under pressure, this tool allows you to create realistic effects and customize your miniatures.

Whether you want to create uniform bases, metallic effects, or smooth transitions between colors, the tool offers an infinite range of possibilities. To master this tool, it is essential to choose the right green stuff airbrush paints and learn basic techniques such as thinning, air pressure, and holding the tool.

How to use an airbrush: a complete guide

This is an invaluable tool for modelers, offering unparalleled precision and finesse when painting. Here's a detailed guide to help you master this instrument:


  • Choose a model adapted to your needs (single or double action, gravity or suction feed).
  • Prepare the paint: Dilute the acrylic paint with a specific thinner to a milky consistency.
  • Adjust the pressure: Adjust the pressure of your compressor according to the size of your needle and the fineness of detail you want to achieve.

Spraying technique :

  • Grip: Hold the tool in a relaxed, pen-like grip.
  • Distance: Keep a constant distance from the part.
  • Movements: Use slow, even movements, from left to right or up and down.
  • Layers: Apply several thin layers instead of one thick layer to avoid drips.
  • Cleaning: Clean after each use with a specific cleaner to avoid clogging.Airbrushes for miniatures and modeling | green stuff world airbrush

What paint to use in airbrush painting?

Through these painting tools, you can use any type of liquid that can be projected with it, not necessarily paint. That being said, all paints on the market can be used with them, it's just a matter of using the proper dilution.

Normally you work with acrylic paints, watercolors, or acrylic inks due to their low toxicity and ease of cleaning. These paints can either come pre-diluted or be regular brush paints that need to be thinned with a thinner or medium. For those looking to start with a range of colors, paint sets are available, offering a convenient way to access a variety of shades suited to airbrushing needs.

How to clean airbrush?

Airbrushing work requires a high level of cleanliness and hygiene. Most of the problems that arise when painting with airbrushes are always due to not having them properly cleaned or not using the right cleaner for each type of paint.

Acrylics can use distilled water, alcohol, or specific airbrush cleaner, but on the other hand, solvent-based ones need acetone or other more specific cleaners that can be very toxic, so we recommend using acrylic paints whenever possible.

Both expensive and cheap airbrushes require proper care and maintenance so that they can greatly increase their lifespan. For this, it is important to clean it right after each use and at the end of the painting session. In this sense, there are 2 types of cleaning, the quick one between color and color, and the deep or final cleaning at the end. Deeper cleaning requires cleaners compatible with each paint and often cleaning brushes or cleaning needles, and even ultrasonic cleaners, although the latter is too specific.

What size airbrush needle for painting models?

Needles and nozzles must always be related and used in parallel, ie a 0.2 nozzle should always be used with a 0.2 needle, a 0.3 nozzle with a 0.3 needle, and so on.

Depending on the brand, the bodies of these can be standard and interchangeable, or be fixed and unique for needle size. Green Stuff World airbrushes have all the common bodies so simply changing the nozzle and needle will allow you to work with the same body.

  • The 0.5mm ones are recommended for more inexperienced users who do not master the correct dilutions of the paints enough or are simply indicated for coloring larger elements such as pieces of scenery.
  • The 0.3mm ones are the market standards, and they are the best-selling on the market.
  • Those of 0.2mm or even smaller are perfect for the finest details and at the same time are the most difficult to use. If the dilution is not correct it could clog very easily.

How to use an airbrush?

If you are just starting in the world of miniatures and wargame figures, we want to give you some tips to get started with it. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Once you have your figure completely assembled on the base, you need to give a primer coat, usually pure white or black, and sometimes with overhead lighting that combines these 2 colors, which you can also do with the tool in a simple, clean, and quick.
  2. We will then start by airbrushing the deeper colors of the figure, which will usually be the skin or face of the figure. Continue the process of painting from the inside out, covering the areas that we have already finished with masking tape or masking putty, avoiding damaging the already painted parts.
  3. Choose a pure white color or a mixture of your last light + white to highlight the parts of the figure that interest you. Don't worry, it is very precise and you will be able to do this perfectly and easily.
  4. Painting with them is usually alternated with a brush according to the shape and size of the figure.
  5. When all the areas are painted, we will use it again to give a layer of protection or varnish protecting your work.

What do I need for an airbrush?

Some different accessories and accessories are needed when painting. Therefore, having a handy list of what you will need for your miniatures will come in handy. Here you have it:

  • It is indicated for small figures that would be those of 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5mm. The best airbrush for miniatures will always be the double-action ones.
  • A compressor with or without an air tank (or boiler) that will give the necessary force to paint.
  • A hose with or without a tap to be able to connect it to the compressor.
  • If you live in an area with high humidity, it is highly recommended to put humidity filters, even in the hose.
  • Paints are better if they are acrylic due to their low or no toxicity. If you plan to have many figures, get a good assortment of paints, brushes, and solvents that cover all the needs of your figures.
  • Airbrush cleaning pot for airbrushes where you can leave it while you are not using it.
  • Silicone mat to protect the surface you are working on.
  • Templates or stencils for airbrushing. You can find them self-adhesive or reusable plastic.

In our store, you can stock up on everything you need to professionally paint your miniatures with airbrushes . Take a look at what you need and we'll bring it to your home in record time and for less than you imagine.

How to thin acrylic paint for airbrush?

This tool can be used with virtually any modeling paint. However, keep in mind that they will not have the right consistency to flow through the nozzle, so they will need to be thinned. If you have chosen acrylics you must thin it before you start painting. 

Before thinning a color, choose the thinner you want to use. There are two most common options. On the one hand, distilled water is the easiest product to obtain and, although it is effective, it can affect the binding properties of the paints if used in excess. On the other hand, a specific acrylic thinner is specially formulated to dilute the color without compromising its adhesion or finish, so it is the preferred choice for best results. 

Once the thinner is chosen, start with the mixing. Start with a 1:1 ratio (equal parts paint and thinner) or 1:2 for a much smoother flow. Keep in mind that each paint is made of a different formulation, so not all will need the same amount of product. It is best to do it little by little until you reach the desired consistency. Pour both parts into a mixing container and stir well with a stirring rod to perfectly integrate both products. You can use a dropper or pipette to control the amount of thinner you add to the mixture. 

Pour the result into the tool and, before you start painting, check that everything is working properly and that the fluidity is adequate using a piece of paper or any surface that will not spoil your project. As you use it, you can adjust the density for the details that need it. 

Remember that there is airbrush paint, such as Green Stuff World's acrylic inks, whose consistency is much more liquid than the traditional ones, so you can add them directly to the tool without the need to dilute them, as long as you are not looking for a higher fluidity. 

Best Airbrush for Miniatures

For those exploring the world of miniature painting, selecting the best airbrush for miniatures is crucial for achieving professional-quality results. Good airbrushes allow for smooth, precise application of paint, making it an indispensable tool for hobbyists and professionals alike. Many hobbyists prefer a model airbrush with features that prioritize accuracy and control, such as double-action functionality and fine nozzle sizes ranging from 0.2mm to 0.5mm. These options provide flexibility to work on intricate details, smooth gradients, and even larger surfaces like dioramas or scenic bases.

Investing in a high-quality airbrushes ensures better paint flow, easier handling, and long-term durability, reducing frustration during your projects. Additionally, choosing a tool with interchangeable needle sizes allows for versatile applications, whether you're highlighting delicate features or applying broader base coats. A reliable tool transforms the painting process, offering hobbyists a combination of precision and efficiency that brushes alone cannot achieve.