For many painters, painting the tartan of a miniature is a real test of mastery, since its design seems to be one of the most complicated to paint freehand. But do you know what it is?
The ancient Scottish clans used it on pieces of cloth from which they then made clothing, to differentiate one clan from another. The complexity of each design was unique and the elaboration was very complicated.
But we are going to make it easy for you with our range of Kolinsky brushes with natural cedar and our acrylic paints with which, with a little technique and some practice, you will be able to achieve your design, adapting it to your particular tastes.
As you will see in the tutorial, it's all a matter of following a few well-defined steps and practicing with miniature paint brushes strokes to make the crisscrossing lines on the surface of the fabric.
Remember that nothing looks more epic for an orc figure than wearing his clan's tartan in battle, so you can use this technique on his clothes, his banners and flags, and even, why not, on his vehicles. With Green Stuff World's tutorials, you'll want everything to have a Scottish touch!